Why Fafa?

Fafa is a platform which makes collaboration, especially experimental, international, and artistic, much easier. Why make that exceedingly specific kind of collaboration easier?

There is an idealistic, a realistic and an aesthetic answer.


Artistic collaboration is massively difficult. Even when the collaborators live in the same country. Even when they work within an established medium or format. But collaboration across borders? In new, untested ways? Basically impossible. The transaction costs are just too high.

Fafa lowers those costs by setting up an agreement between the collaborators, gives each participant shares, and -- here's the important part -- it lets interested collectors buy those shares too.

Then, when things go wrong, because they always do in collaboration, Fafa offers free consulting to the collaborations.

If it goes very wrong, we offer mediation. When things go right, we distribute the funds to the different owners of the shares.

Our idealistic thesis is that by lowering the costs of experimental international collaboration, we will allow the formation of not just many many successful new collaborations, but also new forms of culture: transpersonal painting, industrial poetics, institutional spectacles, NC30 rated stories.


If we can grow an entire new kind of cultural industry -- experimental international collaboration - we will have created a very valuable platform and made ourselves and our initial partners extremely rich.


We are in the midst of an aesthetic crisis, a time of unprecedentedly bad music, painting, and writing. There are many possible causes to identify for such a crisis. Fafa is interested in solving it. Simply incentivizing new kinds of cultural experiments will make better culture. But art doesn't just need to be new, it needs quality. This is why we offer quality audits to all fafa collaborators, neutral, completely honest assessments of work, available whenever requested.
